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 Personal Injury 

Personal injury can happen to anyone, anytime and anyplace. It can describe someone hurt in any number of situations, including car accidents, accidents at school, work or in a public place like the grocery store, or as a result of a faulty product. Often time, injuries to an individual are caused by the negligence of another person or company. Under these circumstances, victims can recover substantial compensation to supplement for life-changing and difficult circumstances.


Attorney Tom O’Brien, has over 16 years of experience representing victims throughout Rhode Island. He is able to assist victims who have suffered injuries in the following types of cases:


          •Car accidents

          •Motorcycle accidents

          •Texting and driving accidents

          •Pedestrian accidents

          •Slip-and-fall accidents

          •Premises liability

          •Faulty products

          •Construction accidents


Remember that in personal injury cases, statute of limitations give strict guidelines regarding how long the liability lasts. To preserve your rights, it is essential that you contact an attorney right away if you have been injured because of someone’s carelessness.

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